Community Hall in JBlaydeGames

Share your creations!

For practice using the Undertale soundfont, I have created this theme for a character in an Undertale/Deltarune fangame made by me and my friends (and ChatGPT)! I hope you enjoy!

Budgeted gaming setup to plug my laptop in!

81 followers! Nice! Next goal: 90.

#Fame #Followers #TK1T #Adam #TakameKitsune

Update 1.2.3 Sneak Peak !

What might this be?

#GameDev #SneakPeak #Hype #CoR #TK1T #TakameKitsune

IMPORTANT: For those who want to somehow help with the game, I've got a few new roles open! I need MUSIC CREATORS. If you would like to join, comment down below. I'll reach out to y'all with more information regarding 'tryouts'.

#GameDev #Music #CoR

New character SNEAK PEAK! He will be in a future game...

Thank you @FuryProductions!


